
Personal Authentication Certificate Basic
Personal Authentication Certificate Basic

Personal Authentication Certificate Basic

Original Price
$ 29.00
$ 27.00

Cost effective solution to secure emails & documents and authenticate users


Available Options

Year *

Comodo Personal Authentication Certificates (CPACs) are easy and affordable solutions used to secure business communications. These certificates allow you to encrypt and digitally sign email communications, offer two-factor authentication of users and employees, secure important company documents sent across the network, and will authenticate to ensure they have clearance to access online servers. CPACs are fully trusted by all major email clients and internet browsers and rolling them out to employees or customers is a breeze. sslbrand Comodo

When you purchase a Comodo SSL certificate, you're putting yourself in extremely good company. How good? Well, for example, 7 of the 10 top fortune 500 companies in the world are using Comodo branded certificates. If you want your business to be trusted on a level similar to the top companies on the planet, Comodo certificates are a great place to start. This brand is one of the most trusted in the world, as Comodo certificates are the most common SSL on the internet. Online customers are running into the Comodo trust seal on a very frequent basis, and they are quickly recognizing that websites protected by this brand are safe to do business with. As this brand offers a wide range of certificates under its umbrella, businesses of all shapes and sizes are sure to find a security solution that matches their exact need


Product FeaturesFeature & Benefits

  • Secure your email communications with strong 256-bit encryption & digital signatures
  • Fast and easy to roll out to employees and/or customers
  • Binds user and device identities with strong PKI authentication
  • Simple & fast validation process
  • Digital signatures bind users’ identities to message content to add authenticity and security to emails
  • Compatible with Exchange servers and mail gateway appliances


Secure Email Secure Email

For businesses looking to follow the best web security practices, email encryption is a must. Encrypting and digitally signing your emails will help your company avoid accidental data exposure, breaches of privacy, and other security missteps that could lead to serious implications. Luckily, CPAC solutions add encryption strength up to 256-bit and a greater sense of security to your email communication.

CPAC provides true end-to-end encryption between the sender and the recipient. This ensures that once the email leaves your network, it can never be intercepted and decrypted by https proxies, man-in-the-middle attackers, packet-sniffers, or any other hackers.

Each certificate uses highly secure PKI (Private Key Infrastructure) to prove a user’s identity to a remote server or computer, which is much quicker and far more cost-effective than using physical tokens.

Setting up CPACs is extremely easy! And after the initial installation is complete, all of your servers will require that each user present their certificate in order to be accessed – in addition to username and password. This will help ensure that you have all of the checks and balances in place to keep unwanted users off your servers!


Document Signing Document Signing

CPACs let you to easily sign important company documents. This allows you to identify yourself as the document signer and prove that the document has not been tampered with in any way since it was signed. These certificates will also help you migrate from ink to paper based workflows on items like document sign-offs, contracts, offer sheets, archiving and internal request forms. CPACs can also be used in tandem with or as a complete replacement for the visible signature feature in Microsoft® Office products.


Product SpecificationProduct Specification

  • Minimum encryption key length: RSA/DSA 2048 bit
  • Digital signatures identify you as the sender and prove that the message genuinely came from you and not an impersonator
  • Supports major business software including Microsoft ® Office suite, Open Office Suite, VBA Macros, and more
  • Two-factor authentication of users who log-in to company servers and websites
Max. Term
3 Years
Validation Requirements
Email Verification
Certificate Fields
Email Encryption
Email Signing
Document Signing
Client Authentication
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